1. Overview
  2. How to add attendees to an expense
  3. How to resolve category limit errors by adding attendees
  4. FAQ
  5. Does Expensify create an audit trail for the addition of attendees to expenses?

Adding Attendees


Expensify allows you to add attendees when you want to associate specific individuals with an expense.

How to add attendees to an expense

  1. Click on the Attendees caret at the bottom of the Request page to expand attendee options.
  2. Select the attendees you wish to add from Recents, Contacts, or use the search bar to find specific individuals.
  3. If you’re adding external contacts, manually enter their information, and they’ll be saved under Contacts for future requests.
  4. Click on each attendee to add them. Selected attendees will display a check mark.

How to resolve category limit errors by adding attendees

Sometimes, an expense will exceed the category limit set by an Expensify admin, because the amount exceeded the category limit for that expense category. To resolve this error, you can add attendees to the expense.

  1. Click the Attendees caret and add attendees to help resolve category limit violations by evenly distributing the total amount across all attendees.
  2. Once attendees are added, a dot separator will appear between the Request attendees field title and the amount per person, making the allocation easy to review for approvers.

Does Expensify create an audit trail for the addition of attendees to expenses?

Yes, every time an attendee is added or removed from the request, a system message will automatically record the change on the expense report containing the expense.

System messages for attendee changes cannot be edited, ensuring an accurate history of updates to the request.

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